Friday, January 28, 2022

MedTech Review 2022 + Real Stories About PEMF (part 1)

Confirming Therapeutic Efficacy with a Test Drive
By Josh Schueller, PT
Edited by: IPHA News Editorial Team

As a clinical professional (aspiring to stay current with patient care solutions), I have spent the better part of my career undergoing continued education and research on some of the most remarkable protocols and technologies.  Some (at the time) were experimental at best or did not exist during my training years and are now part of major medical device industries.  This is why I chose to pursue the noble task of FIELD RESEARCH and a beta-tester of non-invasive healing modalities-- test-driving and reviewing innovations that appear to show significant results throughout the community of pain and injury sufferers.  

Since November of 2021, I have joined the crusade architected by Dr. Robert Bard back in the early 1980's when he test drove the first 3D Doppler Ultrasound, at a time when "most of the medical community thought it was a waste of time!". The recognized "cancer detective" and seasoned medical publisher helped found the Integrative Pain Healers Alliance (IPHA) where an educational project (MedTech Reviews) was a clinical research initiative to support unbiased testing to confirm or challenge claims of medical device developers for their utility, performance and efficacy.  

The non-invasive therapeutic device movement is highly based on what we consider INVISIBLE THERAPEUTICS.  From neurostimulation to electromagnetism to ultrasound therapeutics, these concepts have become the basis to some of the most remarkable innovations going as far back as the late 1800's. A significant scientific landmark (among others) is the discovery of electrical transduction therapy founded by NIKOLA TESLA in 1893 for his pioneer work in advanced electromagnetic field frequency.  This forged the backbone of  what is now known as the Pulsed Elecromagnetic Field Thereapy (PEMF) and the Transcranial Magnetic stimulation (TMS) to the philosophy of implementing electgromagnetic fields to stimulate cells.  It is this same paradigm in patient care technology that enforces the very backbone of holistic and non-surgical ("no more scalpel") movement. (see expanded article)

Photo credits: (**)

From Treatment Notes: PEMF Response
January 11, 2022

Overview of CASE 1: 32 yo male with history or right knee pain.  4 weeks ago, he slipped on ice and had partial tear to his right MCL.  Initial Treatment consisted of ice, bracing, and OTC medications.  He struggled with walking and standing with pain levels at a 7/10 + additional difficulties with getting into his truck and squatting. 

"BEN" works as a professional plumber where his average work day was comprised of a lot of kneeling, squatting, twisting and contorting his body in order to reach pipes and install heavy objects upwards of fifty pounds.  Being able to depend on his legs (knees) to perform his duties as a plumber is essential.  

Four weeks prior to meeting him,  Ben slipped on a piece of ice and twisted his knee resulting in significant pain and a major loss of function.  (Image 1 is an indirect representation of his imaging).  According to his physician's report, it was determined that he had a grade 2 MCL (Medial Collateral Ligament) sprain in his right knee. [The MCL is located on the inside (medial) part of the knee and its main function to a restraint to valgus stresses on the knee especially with slight flexion- running from the medial femur to tibia.]  Ben stated that he heard a slight pop when slipped, then felt immediate pain on the inside of his knee.  He also noted moderate swelling in the knee and after the injury, his knee felt like it was going to “give out on him” in standing.   

It must be noted that there are various degrees of MCL sprains/tear; Grade 1 is identified as mild pain, minimum swelling and good stability.  Grade 2 is identified as moderate pain, moderate instability, feeling ‘’loose’’ and swelling.  A Grade 3 is the most serious and is when the ligament is completely torn and very unstable.   Ben was diagnosed with a Grade 2 MCL sprain. (Image 2)  He has been wearing a brace with all activities and is expected a normal healing duration of 4-6 weeks.  After week 4, he continued wearing the brace with all activities - and upon observation, his posture clearly showed favoring the right knee while standing, walking and squatting.  Pain levels were reported at 7/10 with all weight bearing activities. He consistently showed soreness and pain at 4/10 at rest.  Due to the instability from this injury, Ben would have difficulty climbing a ladder, getting into his truck, and walking on uneven surfaces. 

As part of my research study, I offered him an exploratory treatment using a PEMF machine starting on Monday.  The initial treatment consisted of 15 minutes at 7 intensity level (0-10) in a sitting position.  He continued to have the second treatment on Wednesday 15 minutes at 8 intensity.  The third treatment 15 minutes 8.5 intensity on the Friday of the same week.

After the first treatment, he reported 50% decrease pain with activities. He had no soreness at rest.  He continued to wear the brace but showed full weight bearing in standing.  The Second visit he reported a 75% improvement with pain levels.  He was able to walk normally and climb ladders and squat.  By the third treatment he was approximately 90% recovered and returning to normal activities with zero pain and only mild soreness in the medial portion of the knee.  By using high-frequency PEMF, Ben expressed that he was able to see significant improvement in pain levels, stability and confidence in his right knee that he couldn’t demonstrate with traditional treatments.

From this review, (and my initial study of it's scientific breakdown), one can assess that the injury's exposure to Pulsed Electromagnetic Waves emitted by the tester device can conceptually slow or stop the inflammatory and pain mediators, increase local blood flow to the injured area and allow normal cell interactions to occur.  By interacting with the body's normal magnetic fields, improved healing can occur. Once can even conclude from what appears to be an enhancement of the body's normal healing process can potentially speed up the amount of time needed to recovery from injuries like MCL sprains.

**Prior to using PEMF or other treatment options, consulting with a health care professional is recommended

* SPECIAL THANKS TO: Aura Wellness LLC and MagnaWave PEMF for their demo/loan of the NOVA HD PEMF technology, without their generous contribution this MedTech Review could not be made possible.  MedTech Review is a trademark of NYCRA-NEWS™, IPHA™ Noninvasive Health Technology Research and the AngioFoundation (501c3).
DISCLAIMER:  In pursuit of journalistic integrity and scientific reporting, all reports, clinical findings and testimonials listed reflect our policy of complete IMPARTIALITY, whereby performance reviews of any product/technology - and are managed to be free from any commercial claims. Any/all sourced materials referring to brands are citing credit of source and is not to be misconstrued as branding and marketing.

Josh Schueller has dedicated his life's work to the support and treatment chronic pain and disorders with non-invasive, safe, effective treatment solutions. He is the current VP of Clinical Operations and Business Development at AxioBionics LLC. and the Clinical Director for Orthopedic Physical Therapy Clinics (Rockford, MI).  As an active member of APTA, he holds advanced certification in Physical Therapy treatment techniques including the McKenzie method of patient empowerment.  He has over 20+ years experience in the treatment of neurological conditions such as Spinal Cord Injury, Traumatic Brain Injury, CVA, Cerebral Palsy etc.  In 2021, Josh is elected a clinical advisory role and educational advocacy for IPHA (Integrated Pain Healers Alliance) and has published research articles in pain management while co-launching the MedTech Reviews program of therapeutic devices.   Today, Josh continues to support patient suffering from disabilities and has expanded his focus to contribute his expertise in treatment programs for Veterans and first responders. 

Disclaimer: The information (including, but not limited to text, graphics, images and other material) contained in this article is for informational purposes only. No material on this site is intended to be a substitute for professional medical advice or scientific claims. Furthermore, any/all contributors (both medical and non-medical) featured in this article are presenting only ANECDOTAL findings pertaining to the effects and performance of the products/technologies being reviewed - and are not offering clinical data or medical recommendations in any way. Always seek the advice of your physician or other qualified health care provider with any questions you may have regarding a medical condition or treatment and before undertaking a new health care regimen, never disregard professional medical advice or delay in seeking it because of something you read on this page, article, blog or website.

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