Wednesday, October 16, 2024



Top-ranking cancer imaging advocate Dr. Robert L. Bard holds a 30+ year track record of advancing clinical education and technical updates to some of the most prominent medical conferences across the globe.  From the 2024 ULTRACON Expo to the NY Dermatology Society to prior Cancer conferences in France and Italy- Dr. Bard remains one of the most sought-after keynote speakers.  He is often called to headline clinical topics  such as cancer imaging, diagnostic protocols and scientific updates on pathological studies.


Unlike the vast majority of conventional practitioners, Dr. Bard has long since embraced the many disciplines that comprise the health, wellness and medical communities. Terms like "Alternative, Integrative, Functional and Holistic" ALL align with the same need for diagnostic science. Moreover, uniting with other healing societies is a sign of "an open-minded approach to medicine... which is how medicine is supposed to be practiced!"

His most recent presentation was noted on October 13 on the topic of CANCER RECURRENCE as part of a special 2-day event of the HOLISTIC HEALTH EDUCATIONAL EXPO.  This health event is produced by Lisa and Martine Calache of My Online Homeopath, assembling a unique collection of powerful speakers and clinical experts from a variety of specialized areas in healthcare. 

By: Lennard Gettz, Ed.D

The lineup of unique speakers gifted the audience (both in the venue and online) with significant insight and compelling lessons in health and longevity.  This surprisingly impressive health event drew in  crowds from every form of health discipline including the conventional- beyond expectations and with overwhelming connectivity.  

When I first received information about this expo from Dr. Bard's office, he mentioned being elected as a medical panelist and podium speakers.  Just shy of 1 week prior, we were thrown into yet another short-deadline adventure that meant sleepless nights to get our stuff together and fast.  We wanted to offer a brand new presentation never delivered before. And being this is breast cancer awareness month, RECURRENCE DETECTION and PREVENTION made the perfect sense to us since we were immersed in this subject all month.

As Dr. Bard's public events manager, the standard protocol has always been to: design and print handouts, write and produce the powerpoint slide show, produce an 8-minue video, execute a social media blitz and emailer, draft a press release and send invitations to our entire set of contacts.  

I'd like to add that hearing about some of the luminaries scheduled to present in this event was quite inspiring. Friends and champions in cancer care like Dr. Jesse Stoff and Sylvie Beljanski are familiar names from the front lines of the cancer battle- and co-collaborators in our educational crusade.

Due to such a narrow timetable, I connected directly with the venue producer (Liza Calache) to coordinate all technicalities about the event.  This included audiovisual setup (where issues tend to happen a lot), attendee count, a vendor list and scheduling.  I was preparing for the worst and expected to finally break my perfect disaster-free record.

Being down to the wire, I was surprised that the woman on the other side of the phone was most welcoming and calm yet highly responsive and very much in control. Where practically every expo producer I've ever dealt with carried the same tense and anxiety-filled tone, Liza emulated a solid  confidence yet a delightful presence that somehow reassured me that this was going to work just fine!

I stood by the doorway of the hall and watched guests continue to flow in to full this 300-seat presentation hall.  Dr. Stoff manned the podium confidently presenting his innovative solutions to surviving the next Covid variant. It's been a while since I heard him speak, and surely, with the conviction in his voice and the remarkable details that his slides covered, he never lost an ounce of "Stoff" teaching mojo.

Meanwhile, 20 minutes left to Dr. Stoff's slide deck, I could see Dr. Bard's silhouette making his way to the stage (after a bout with NY/NJ traffic) as the next speaker. To the audience, this was an educational treat to meet both of these academic leaders.  To have access to these two cancer champions (and friends) in the same event space rocking the mic together was a treat worth experiencing. 

Where anything in an event can go awry, seeing Dr. Bard take the mic was the exhale I was waiting to make.  

The rest was HISTORY!

Video clip (Dr. Bard's presentation)


 DR. BARD TAKES CENTER STAGE AT A HOLISTIC POWERHOUSE EVENT Top-ranking cancer imaging advocate Dr. Robert L. Bard holds a 30+ year track re...