Monday, March 13, 2023


Click to play survivor video

Written by: Josh Schueler, PT

Oftentimes, injuries sustained in a motor vehicle accident are poorly understood and even harder to treat.  Each case of whiplash is as unique as snowflakes or fingerprints.  The position of head, the speed of vehicle, and the angle of impact are just a few of the variables that can effect injury.  Many different structures can be injured including muscles, bones/joints, discs, tendons, and nerves.  For people involved in a high speed accident the initial concern is brain injury, spinal cord injury, or fractures.  It is not uncommon for people to suffer for years without relief.  Many people deal with decreased range of motion, pain, numbness and other neurological symptoms.  

Analyzing the phases of what the body may undergo from an accident, the body’s initial response to injury is often the inflammation phase.  This can be presented as pain, swelling, and increased heat.  In many chronic conditions the inflammation phase is never recovered from.  Chronic inflammation causes swelling in that area which can cause nerve impingement for months and even years.  

Chronic inflammation is clinically aligned with the erosion or decline in cellular health.  The inability of the cells to properly bring in nutrients and expel cellular waste causes an unhealthy environment that limits healing and recovery.  In this case, a decrease in cervical rotation has lasted for years.  In the case of the woman in the enclosed video, her inability to properly and fully rotate her head has caused difficulty in normal activities such as driving. 

In my clinical experience, traditional treatments of therapy, medication, and manipulation (alone) does not always result in full recovery due to the poor cellular health that has transpired since the initial trauma.  Her use of Neuro-magnetic treatment for her whiplash is one example off alternative solutions to traumatic injuries. This modality (in the patient care community) is gaining acceptance and popularity because of the success in restoring a healthy environment by combining with traditional treatments (referred as stacking) as well as when used as a standalone treatment.  

Based on research and personal observation, the concept of neuro-magnetic treatments reportedly decreases inflammation in the area of injury by increasing blood flow to the smallest of capillaries (microcirculation).  More clinical reports continue to demonstrate the potential benefits of microcirculation as part of improved health of the cell by increasing ATP production and improving the ability to eliminate chronic waste from the cell (cellular detoxification).  

By utilizing the treatments directly to the cervical region, potentially the chronic inflammation can be contained, significantly decreased or even eliminated.  Many factors play into the healing duration with this type of treatments.  Obviously, the severity of the injury, extent of damage to the area, and the amount of time since the original injury are some of the sensible considerations.  In this case, our survivor had experienced the accident 4 plus years before use of neuro-magnetic treatments.  Based on this information treatments may take 6 weeks in duration (as in the case) before any reportable progress toward recovery can be expected.

The implementation of non-invasive, non-pharmacological, safe, and effective treatments such as neuro-magnetic therapy is gaining public acceptance due to the growing user testimonials about its positive results.  As an over-the-counter item, access to this technology alongside current information about its science and development significantly add to its popularity.  Individuals who suffer from chronic conditions tend to come with a long list of failed treatments. This video is just one inspiring example of a sufferer who researched beyond the unremarkable box solutions (of pain meds and temporary relief products) and to take charge of her future post-accident. Instead of succumbing to her injuries, she reaps the rewards of her personal research and her initiative to seek out “better solutions out there”—opening up an array of alternative concepts that exist within our immediate reach.  Such innovations are all part of what may potentially lead to the evolution of healthcare.  



JOSH T. SCHUELLER has dedicated his life's work to the support and treatment chronic pain and disorders with non-invasive, safe, effective treatment solutions. He is the current VP of Clinical Operations and Business Development at AxioBionics LLC. and the Clinical Director for Orthopedic Physical Therapy Clinics (Rockford, MI).  As an active member of APTA, he holds advanced certification in Physical Therapy treatment techniques including the McKenzie method of patient empowerment.  He has over 20+ years experience in the treatment of neurological conditions such as Spinal Cord Injury, Traumatic Brain Injury, CVA, Cerebral Palsy etc.  In 2021, Josh is elected a clinical advisory role and educational advocacy for IPHA (Integrated Pain Healers Alliance) and has published research articles in pain management while co-launching the MedTech Reviews program of therapeutic devices.   Today, Josh continues to support patient suffering from disabilities and has expanded his focus to contribute his expertise in treatment programs for Veterans and first responders. 

SPECIAL THANKS: The publishers of IPHA News, Health Tech Reporter and Health & Healing 101 would like to express our heartfelt thanks to Ms. Maria Errera for her generous contribution in producing her progress video depicting her recovery.  Additional thanks to Ms. JoAnn Zymler (BEMER Group) for supplying this project with her PEMF equipment and her technical guidance about the Bemer Pulsed Electromagnetic Field technology. - without whose efforts this report could not hav been made possible.

Re-issued from Non-Invasive Diagnostic Science News:

Real-Time Pre & Post Imaging of PEMF Treatment

Disclaimer: The information (including, but not limited to text, graphics, images and other material) contained in this article is for informational purposes only. No material on this site is intended to be a substitute for professional medical advice or scientific claims. Furthermore, any/all contributors (both medical and non-medical) featured in this article are presenting only ANECDOTAL findings pertaining to the effects and performance of the products/technologies being reviewed - and are not offering clinical data or medical recommendations in any way. Always seek the advice of your physician or other qualified health care provider with any questions you may have regarding a medical condition or treatment and before undertaking a new health care regimen, never disregard professional medical advice or delay in seeking it because of something you read on this page, article, blog or website.

Introduction: “BEFORE AND AFTER” Comparative Imaging
Historically speaking, the most favored (and sensible) way to identify the results of any treatment is by tracking the body's response to it. Controlled testing must show the patient's condition PRE and POST effects, where true data-finding is collecting the necessary EVIDENCE of its claims. The investigator can pull a significant amount of data from this form of validation testing: including stage-by-stage bodily response to future projections of possible side effects.  Recording of any and all physiological response means the researchers are counting on the patient's body to tell us what it is undergoing during the testing phase. To reduce any chance of erroneous reporting, trials tend to work with a large number of test patients (commonly 50-100) and may also employ redundancies like undergoing multiple testing protocols for a second or even third opinion. To capture the benefits of a BEFORE AND AFTER review, Imaging is often used as a standard screening solution for the response of most of the major organs.

Modern diagnostic science looks to imaging for its safe, non-invasive yet quantifiable analyses of what’s under the skin. In this latest review, ultrasound offers a flicker-free visual (10-30 frames per second) of muscle contraction.  The “real-time” advantage of video under a 3D Doppler Ultrasound easily and clearly shows the frequency of the muscle bundle’s firing (twitching) indicating fatigue and potential pathology.

I chose to test drive a top-of-the-line medical grade PEMF device on my own quadriceps (thigh) which has been heavily weakened by years of wear and tear and injury.  In addition, I acquired the latest upgrade in 3D Ultrasound probes to explore the current state of this muscle.  From the video (insert) the sonogram shows the Rectus Femoris branch of the four part, quadriceps muscle complex. As you can see, in this transverse or cross sectional scan, we see a muscle bundle rapidly twitching or firing, which indicates muscle fatigue or injury. 

NOTE: On the top white line of the scan is a thin black margin which is the epidermis of the skin measuring 2/10 of a millimeter.  This high resolution technology extends to the lower portion of the image where the abnormal muscle is noted. 3d imaging allows the scan to be quickly reproduced and quantifiably analyzed on follow up examinations


This BEFORE AND AFTER study support and helps identify the benefits of 3D ultrasound and its ‘actual-motion’ imaging and treated area responds to the therapy. Comparing to its condition before treatment with the magnetic coil, we are able to see the muscle contractions of the significantly weakened quadriceps femoris (hip flexor/knee extensor).  After 15 minutes with a PEMF device (under efficacy review), an immediate scan with real-time ultrasound shows a significant reduction in muscle contractions.  Both visually and through the ultrasound motion metrics, we are able to record an est. 35-45% calming and relaxation of the intensified muscle and contractility. This impression is repeated from various scanning angles including a longitudinal view of the same area.

There are two ways of quantifying abnormal movement; one is using the motion mode- which is used most often in scanning the heart because this probe feature allows you to visually track the motion of the valves instantaneously. Many hospital grade models can identify heart movements digitally as well as other organ movements thanks to Doppler technology [1] and AI induced presets. We can use this same motion mode on the twitching muscle fibers.

The research benefits of using ultrasound scanning in therapeutic monitoring allows for tremendous flexibility in exploratory detection. Once we have established the initial Base Line of the ‘before and after’ scan, having probe in hand empowers the diagnostician to go deeper and wider- allowing for more answers and possibly finding other pathologies.  

After we looked at the obvious muscle abnormality, the question is to go back and see what's causing the problem. Upon observing what’s under the white skin area (Fig 3), there appears a very thick white band (FASCIA covering the muscle) between the two dark layers of the subcutaneous fat and the muscle.  We notice that the fascia splits into two levels with the upper arrows, denoting the top part of the split and the lower arrows showing the bottom part of the split. The black area in the split is filled with fluid indicating the fascia lining is abnormal and this is a way that we can follow the cause for the muscle irritation in future tracking. 

For now, we see an immediate cause and effect, which is the inflamed fascia lining and that the PEMF does in fact calm down the muscle.  Ultrasound provides the opportunity to follow the treatment and see how the facial abnormality is healing. So we have a way of finding pathology and then discovering the causation and documenting treatment progress as well with non-invasive imaging, that is brilliant. 

Pain management is a widely expanding industry offering an extensive list of both conventional and alternative solutions.  Beyond oral medications, point of care treatments and surgical applications, today’s pain sufferer also benefits from an even wider set of options from the “ALTERNATIVE TREATMENT” catalog.  

One example is the widely expanding advancements in neuromagnetic therapies, otherwise known as PEMF or BIOFEEDBACK.  MAGNETIC THERAPY has been recorded for over 2000 years (Greek physicians in 200BC using lodestones), but it was the evolution of the management of the body’s electromagnetic field through ELECTROTHERAPY with Dr. Guillaume Duchene who first used electricity for muscle stimulation in 1856.  Nikola Tesla researched on the potential of pulsed electrotherapy in 1897 just before his invention of the Tesla coil in 1891. This inspired global research and development in the therapeutic community, such that by 1998, the FDA accepted PEMF as “a viable treatment for pain” and PEMF therapy has been FDA approved for a variety of kinds of pain and inflammation. [2]



DISCLAIMER:  In pursuit of journalistic integrity and scientific reporting, all reports, clinical findings and testimonials listed reflect our policy of complete IMPARTIALITY, whereby performance reviews of any product/technology - and are managed to be free from any commercial claims. Any/all sourced materials referring to brands are citing credit of source and is not to be misconstrued as branding and marketing.


ROBERT L. BARD, MD, PC, DABR, FASLMS - Advanced Imaging & Diagnostic Specialist
Having paved the way for the study of various cancers both clinically and academically, Dr. Robert Bard co-founded the 9/11 CancerScan program to bring additional diagnostic support to all first responders from Ground Zero. His main practice in midtown, NYC (Bard Diagnostic Imaging- uses the latest in digital Imaging technology has been also used to help guide biopsies and in many cases, even replicate much of the same reports of a clinical invasive biopsy. Imaging solutions such as high-powered Sonograms, Spectral Doppler, sonofluoroscopy, 3D/4D Image Reconstruction and the Spectral Doppler are safe, noninvasive, and does not use ionizing radiation. It is used as a complement to find anomalies and help diagnose the causes of pain, swelling and infection in the body’s internal organs while allowing the diagnostician the ability to zoom and ‘travel’ deep into the body for maximum exploration.

TMS FOR DEPRESSION: Transcranial Magnetic Stimulation
October 4, 2021- TMS, or transcranial magnetic stimulation, is the use of magnets external to the body to activate tissue inside the body (so you're not having to open the patient up).  Based on Faraday’s Law, a magnetic field produced outside of a patient’s head can permeate non-invasively through a patient’s head and induce an electric field that has the capacity to activate neurons in the brain. We induce current at a distance inside the brain and cause the neurons to fire where we induce that current.  This means that where we depolarize, we cause the brains neurons to fire.  TMS artificially stimulates the brain and causes the neurons to fire.  Navigation technology allows us to see precisely where in the brain where we are stimulating. (see complete article)

September 25, 2021 - In 1979, The Food and Drug Administration 1979 approved PEMF Therapy for the healing of nonunion fractures. Electrical stimulation of the spine (as part of spinal fusion procedures) for failed fusions and congenital pseudarthroses. In October 2008 the Food and Drug Administration approved the use of PEMF therapy for treatment of major depressive disorder in PD patients who failed to achieve satisfactory improvement from very high dosages of antidepressant medications.  Clinical research has also been highly dedicated towards mental health. In 2006, the FDA approved PEMF Therapy for treatment of depression and anxiety. Further reports have presented an est. 30% of depression cases have a resistance to antidepressant drugs, where Repetitive Transcranial Magnetic Stimulation (rTMS) and the application of Transcranially applied Pulsed Electromagnetic Fields (T-PEMF) has shown positive results in combination with antidepressants in patients with treatment-resistant depression. (see complete article)


 DR. BARD TAKES CENTER STAGE AT A HOLISTIC POWERHOUSE EVENT Top-ranking cancer imaging advocate Dr. Robert L. Bard holds a 30+ year track re...