Saturday, July 31, 2021


By: Dr. Robert L. Bard

Muscle pain is something that is easy to overlook. Since it’s usually a mild dull pain and does not hinder daily activities unless at an extreme stage, people tend to wait too long before consulting a physician.

There may be two kinds of a muscle injury. You many have a sprain (which is the stretching or tearing of the muscle and the tendon) or a strain (which is the stretching or tearing of the ligament).
Also known as Rhabdomyolysis, muscle injury is caused by a breakdown of the fibers in the muscle. This breakdown triggers the release of myoglobin into the blood which can even cause kidney damage.

A muscular strain can be identified by other common household names such as a spasm, cramp or a pulled muscle. These pains are usually associated with the neck, shoulders, and even pain in the lower back.

Causes of Muscle Strain
Muscle strain may be caused by over stretching of the muscle which cause the muscle to tear or cramp. This over stretching can occur as a result of physical exertion. Over exertion may even lead to permanent muscle damage and may even be triggered by daily activities. This may lead to limited and painful movement (Holmes, 2011).
First degree strains such as those caused by a crick in your neck do not usually result in permanent muscle damage.
Second and third degree strains, however, may be caused by high pressure activities such as:
  • Running
  • Reaching with the arms
  • Climbing
  • Turning the head
  • Turning the neck
  • Twisting the back
Symptoms of Muscle Strain
Symptoms exhibited as a result of a strain may vary according to the degree of the injury and should be carefully evaluated in order to avoid permanent muscle damage (NYU Langone, n.d.).
First Degree Strains
Typical symptoms which may also be experienced in first degree strain include:
  • Soreness and pain
  • Limited and painful movement
  • Muscle twitching
  • Hard knot
Second Degree Strains
Second Degree Strains may exhibit additional symptoms such as
  • Stiffness
  • Weakness
  • Blue or black mark
Third Degree Strains
Third degree strains which involve a tearing of the muscle may also exhibit the following symptoms:
  • Bunched up fibers which can be felt on the skins surface
  • Visible bruising due to muscle bleeding
In case of a muscle injury which may have been caused due to unusual physical activity, its best to go to a physician for a diagnosis. Before diagnosis, the doctor may ask certain questions about your lifestyle at work or at home. In addition, the doctor will want to know when you noticed the symptoms and whether any irregular physical activity was done. Once diagnosed the doctor may suggest rest and placing ice on the strain. Additional treatments may include:
  • Compression
  • Medications
  • Heat
  • Brace
  • Stretching Exercises
  • Rotation exercises
  • Chin exercises
Some problems may be aggravated over time simply due to incorrect posture. Your doctor may tell you about the appropriate posture which may help avoid future injuries (NYU Langone, n.d.)


Case-Lo, C. n.dRhabdomyolysis. Health Line. [Online] Retrieved from <
Holmes, M., 2011. Bone And Muscle Injuries Can Cause Permanent Effects On Our Health Condition. VS2 Health. [Online] Retrieved from <>
NYU Langone, n.d. Muscular Strain. NYU Langone Medical Center. [Online]. Retrieved from <>
Web MD, n.d. Muscle Strain. WebMD. [Online] Retrieved from < >

Friday, July 16, 2021


by: Dr. Steven Riess

Essential oils are liquids that are extracted from plants including, but not limited to, the seeds, barks, leaves, stems, roots, flowers and fruit. As we begin to understand the power of essential oils in holistic healthcare – it is of absolute necessity of obtaining pure therapeutic-grade essential oils. Chemists can replicate, but it would be nearly impossible to recreate the oils in a laboratory. It’s like the difference in using real vanilla extract vs. imitation vanilla extract.

Essential oils embody the regenerative, protective, and immune-strengthing properties of plants, bushes, and trees.  They can support our bodies in various ways:

  • By promoting relaxation
  • Support healthy immune function
  • Calm tension and nerves
  • Promote healthy metabolism
  • Uplift mood
  • Promote emotional health
  • Help reduce occasional upset stomach
  • Support muscle and joint function
  • Increase positive feelings
  • Help decrease stress
  • Improve appearance of the skin
  • Provide antioxidants
  • Repel insects
  • Soothe occasional skin irritations

Essential oils have been around since the beginning of early civilizations. Egyptian papyri and Chinese manuscripts describe the medical use of aromatics used thousands of years ago. Additionally, there are references to aromatics, ointments and incenses in the Bible and Torah (such as frankincense, myrrh, rosemary etc.).

Ultimately, the only thing that affects change in the body is our brains! If we can stimulate the brain – we can affect change! The blood-brain barrier is a filtering mechanism between the circulating blood and the brain tissue and cerebrospinal fluid. Some essential oils can cross through this barrier and directly interact with brain cells and impact the brain therapeutically and naturally! However, not all essential oils are able to cross over and yet they can still affect the brain through the sense of smell by activating the olfactory bulb in the brain’s limbic system. This system is a group of related structures in the brain that are responsible for processing emotion, memory, and smell. 

Essential oils, whether you use them topically, aromatically, or internally is just another NATURAL way to help support our bodies and enhance our lives!

Dr. Steven Riess has dedicated a career in providing natural pain relief treatments and education about how to stay out of pain.  His practice is located in Plainview, NY where he provides a full array of services to help you achieve optimal health.  For more information or to get acquainted with Dr. Riess, visit:

Monday, July 12, 2021


By: Dr. Steven Riess

Koren Specific Technique (KST) is one of the newer methods of Chiropractic. Developed by Dr. Tedd Koren, a chiropractor – it is derived from other chiropractic techniques, Chinese medicine and his own discoveries. It is a breakthrough approach to patient care because of its unique system of analysis -using a biofeedback reflex system. It is made by carefully observing changes at the back of the head called the “occipital drop”. The drop varies in relation to the challenges presented to the body. These challenges may be physical, emotional, mental and/or chemical. By observing the “occipital drop”, the KST practitioner can determine the most beneficial position to place the patient and also the position in which to make a corrective adjustment.

The adjustment is often used with an instrument called an “Arthrostim” as its method of creating the changes needed in the body to help the body correct itself (although finger pressure can be used). The active end of the “Arthrostim” vibrates at 12-14 cycles per second which is pleasant and helps the muscles to relax. This instrument makes it possible to quickly and easily make adjustments to the body for a positive and beneficial change!

With KST you receive gentle, specific corrections to your spine, structural system and other parts of your body. The KST practitioner is able to quickly and easily check and address areas of nerve stress/nerve interference/subluxations wherever they may arise. This includes your cranial bones, TMJ, spinal column, sacrum, coccyx, hips, discs, ribs, shoulders, knees, feet, hands and anything else that needs correcting.

Hering’s Law of Cure is the basis of all healing. “All cure starts within out, from the head down and in reverse order as the symptoms have appeared or been suppressed”.  The real power of KST is unlocking this ability within the body. The process of improvement often times involves revisiting the symptoms of the past. Many patients will “retrace” through some of these symptoms as they improve. “Retracing” may vary in intensity with each patient. It is seen as an unwinding of stresses and traumas both physical and emotional. Older injuries, older distortions, older subluxations and older symptoms may surface at later sessions. Patients have reported “cleansing” symptoms such as sweating, diarrhea, fever, rash, etc. Not all patients experience retracing on a physical or conscious level. Sometimes patients experience an increase in dreams or unusual dreams as another form of “retracing”.  

For instance, let’s say the last illness you had was a sinus infection and a suppressive medication was used to stop any sneezing, coughing, dripping nose or sinus drainage. In order for the body to properly heal we must believe we can heal and allow the body to heal from within out. It must eliminate these toxins and mucous that were suppressed at this time. Since this was the last illness it is the easiest for the body to heal.  Orthodox medicine generally believes that because symptoms are suppressed the problem is cured, or by removing the organ, which is not functioning correctly, it can cure the problem.

Our purpose as practitioners of this specialized modality is to release stresses and traumas from your mind/body complex so that you may be physically and mentally healthier. Symptoms resulting from nerve stress / subluxations such as headaches, migraines, dizziness, vertigo, neck pain, TMJ, tinnitus, pain/numbness/tingling down the arm into fingers, tennis elbow, carpal tunnel syndrome, back pain, disc problems, leg pains/sciatica, knee issues, plantar fasciitis, stomach disorders, allergies, colds, breathing problems, emotional and mental stress etc. improve dramatically as the body goes through the healing process.

About the author:
DR. STEVEN RIESS has dedicated a career in providing natural pain relief treatments and education about how to stay out of pain.  His practice is located in Plainview, NY where he provides a full array of services to help you achieve optimal health.  For more information or to get acquainted with Dr. Riess, visit:

Sunday, July 4, 2021


By: Laguna El Guapo

To seek a SECOND OPINION is a patient's right as a cautious and educated consumer. This measure is also a smart financial coverage encouraged by insurance companies geared to prevent much higher claims from costly or 'wrongful' procedures.

Whether you're searching for a primary care physician or a specialist, shopping for any doctor can be quite a challenge. Ingredients for finding a professional that you can trust with your life rely heaviest on their reputation, expertise and qualifications found under smart research methods.

REFERRALS: Though medical professionals are now participating in the commercial world of marketing (such as broadcast and podcast commercials, youtube videos, social media promotion and public relations campaigns), the largest and most popular method of deciding on a doctor is still word of mouth. At least starting with a recommendation from a friend, colleague or family member, getting positive feedback about a practitioner through others' experience is a great place to begin.

RESEARCH: Once you have a name (or several names to choose from), the next answer is conducting online searches. With more than a decade of evolution, the internet provides a wide expanse of research options of about any professional. From patient reviews, local directories, educational contributions, social media connections and background checks, the web helps with so many ways to check out any professional for any success as well as not-so-good-news about them.

Meanwhile, as you proceed with your online research, employ 'smart searching' by knowing where to look and what to look for. Do not make quick judgments about an individual based on a sexy looking website. There are many doctors out there that have little marketing sense that pay more attention (as they should) in working with their patients than working with a fancy graphic design firm. On the other hand, doctors' websites may come with video testimonials, news coverage, educational backgrounds and a list of their partners- all information that help describe the strength of their capabilities. All doctors carry a varied set of strong points academically and professionally and it's up to you to find the clues you need to make that choice.
Narrowing down your candidates also means being organized. Have a folder and notes on significant information gathered online and/or from others. Save links that show vital information from reputable websites that you can return to for comparative reviewing. In the end, sizing up a doctor is all about the collected facts about them that you choose to dictate your decision.

E-REVIEWS: Affirming our freedom of speech is the internet's best function. Reviews, ratings and consumer reviews are aplenty - allowing you an inside look at a doctor's performance but discern with caution when finding either a "sugary" five-star comment or a demoralizing bad opinion in YELP (or the various popular review websites). Over time, you'll find many nay-sayers freely and maliciously bashing a professional for something completely unrealistic like "They had me sitting in the waiting room for 25 minutes without anything to read - so unprofessional!" In other words, discern the SOURCE of the review and conduct a fair amount of research instead of taking the first available opinion.

MEET AND GREET: Doctors come with their own personalities that may or may not match yours. During the first consultation, you may get the best clues as to whether or not this particular doctor is for you. Just as with any other relationship-based professional, follow your instincts during the inquiry of your ailments. You can usually tell if they're rushing to get 'done with you' or if they truly care about exploring your issues through genuine concern for problem-solving. Select a doctor who shows true interest in recommending current techniques, applications and solutions and one who is open to remedies outside of the pharmaceutical box. Know that the healthcare field is a complex field of information that is constantly growing and requires continued education to provide the most current care.

YOUR COMFORT LEVEL: Intuition is your inner voice telling you what's right for you. Your comfort level can be driven by a host of logical and illogical factors varying from the doctor's gender, their location, the design style of their office, their bedside manner or something as silly as their hairstyle. We may not always be able to identify what it is about a doctor that you are either drawn to or may have some apprehension about but at the end of the day, it's how you feel about that practitioner.
The ultimate answer to matching with the "right" doctor is truly based on a per-patient case. Where recommendations may fail, follow your gut, research as much as you can and remember, if you're in doubt or have concerns, NEVER SETTLE! There's always a second, third or fourth opinion and a wide list of other docs to choose from.


  by Joyce Gregory, MD Michelle, a 30-year-old African American woman, sits in her psychiatrist's office, her face etched with a mix of ...